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Membership Dues

American Legion Post 189 Adjutant Gary Spiecker

Post annual membership dues are due!

Please pay your membership dues directly to post 189, or mail in as per the mailing envelope. Please do not pay online.

POST READER March  v1_edited.jpg

MARCH 2024

Message from our Commander



Greeting’s to my fellow Legionnaire.                                              


 As we begin this new month, let us pause and remember those who have

died this past year from senseless violence in our country. Let’s pray that our country has the strength and perseverance to rise above this and restore our faith in mankind.

Our Post has lost many good men and women this past year and we extend our

prayers to their family's and hope they find comfort during the coming year.


As you know May was election time at the Post for new officers. I am humbled and thankful that you have given me your trust to be Commander for the next year. With

your help we will continue to grow and improve our Post.


Following along as May brings elections, June brings dues renewal time. Dues for the coming year 2023 are due starting July 1st cost is being raised more info will follow. Please bring or mail to the Post Adjutant, please do not mail to national or state as this will cause a delay in you receiving your membership card.




Thank you all for your service,

Steve Hamerlin

Commander Post 189

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